The Many Health Benefits of Prenatal Yoga

We are highly indebted to the enlightened sages, yoga luminaries, inspiring yoga instructors for unearthing, understanding, advocating, and sermonizing the timeless science of yoga. The universal benefaction of healing– Yoga harbors the efficacy to heal the wounds, physical sufferings, emotional trauma, and diseases. A credible health care system that bestows each body and mind with miraculous benefits. Yoga is also an effective therapy for pregnant women. Empirical evidence suggests that prenatal yoga is highly effective for the expectant mothers and their developing fetus.

Prenatal yoga is simply the most sacred, joyful, and healthy practice for the expectant mothers. There’s no better method of caring and well-being for a pregnant woman than the practice of deeply restoring and rejuvenating yoga postures during the time of this profound life transformation.

The Prenatal yoga poses relax the muscles, tendons of the pelvic region, release mental, emotional stress, blockages, stimulate the body chakras, and help the mother and child bond at their core. The prenatal yoga extends a sacred healing touch that nourishes the mother and child immensely making the experience priceless for an expecting mother. Here is a list of the best prenatal yoga poses and pranayama techniques for all the stages of pregnancy.

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1. Butterfly Pose (Baddha Konasana)

  • Sit on the floor. You can also place a block or bolster under the hips for elevation.
  • Bring the soles of the feet together and heels near to the pelvic region.
  • Grasp the feet with your hands and breathe.
  • Stay in this pose for 30 seconds.

2. Bridge Pose (Setu-Bandhasana)

  • Lie on your back and rest the heels close to the sitting bones while keeping the knees bent.
  • Press the arms and feet firmly into the ground to lift the hips and lower back off the mat.
  • Keep the shoulders, head, and neck on the ground. Hold this pose for 20-30 seconds.

3. Victorious Breath (Ujjayi Breathing)

  • Begin in an easy pose.
  • Relax the body and close the eyes.
  • Inhale and exhale deeply through the mouth.
  • Make an Ahhh! sound on exhalations.
  • Concentrate on the sound of the breath. Practice this for 15 minutes.

4. Alternate Nostril Breathing (Nadi Shodhana)

  • Sit comfortably on a yoga mat in a crossed legged position.
  • Close the right nostril with right thumb and inhale through the left one. Slightly press it with the finger. Pause and exhale through the right.
  • Now, inhale through the left nostril and close it with the thumb. Press the right nostril and exhale through it.
  • Practice the pattern 5-10 times.

Listen to your intuition and body while practicing for incredible rewards. Here is a list of the top health benefits of prenatal yoga:

1. Increases Circulation

Enthusiastically indulge in the practice of yoga during the pregnancy as it is great for blood circulation. The yoga practices intensify blood circulation and fluid in the body; helping the mother feel energetic and refreshed. The blood flow is directed towards the baby assisting in the nourishment of the baby. Yoga practices also reduce swelling and various other discomforts.

2. Rejuvenates The Body

It is natural to feel exhausted and low on energy levels during the pregnancy owing to irregular sleep cycles, hormonal changes, body transformations, etc. Prenatal Yoga encourages a subtle movement of the body that provides a feel-good factor to the expectant mother.

3. Peaceful Mind

Through the practice of ujjayi breathing, alternate nostril breathing along with meditation practices, the nervous system goes into the parasympathetic state, responsible for relaxation. When the body-mind is at peace, the expectant mothers are able to sleep better and their body organs function at peak levels.

4. Alleviates Tension

As the fetus grows, more and more stress is placed on specific body muscles like hips, lower back, neck, and shoulders. The increased size of the belly puts pressure on the hips and results in posterior tightness and lower back curve. Prenatal yoga is effective in releasing tension from hips, back, neck, and shoulders. It decreases headaches and shortness of breath.

Also See: How Yoga Can Help Body Aches and Pains

5. Breathwork Preparation

The committed practice of pranayama techniques create a foundation for breathwork that helps during labor pain. The breathwork allows space for comfort through the deep inhalations and exhalations while being in the uncomfortable labor contractions. Conscious breathing also clams the moms-to-be and their baby.

6. Nurturing Time

Prenatal yoga practices give the expectant mothers the time to nurture themselves and their baby with the natural science of yoga. The active yoga and meditation practices keep the mothers and baby safe and happy.

7. Connection with the Baby

Yoga practices during pregnancy foster a deep connection between the mothers and the baby. It is the time that gives you the permission to be with yourself, to become aware of the changes going within the body, and to spend time with the growing baby. Stop, take notice, and enjoy this wonderful period of motherhood on a more intense level through a regular prenatal yoga practice.

8. Strength and Flexibility

The prenatal yoga poses strengthen the muscles of the pelvis, hips, and back allowing the pregnant women to carry the baby comfortably. Strength in pelvic region is necessary during labor and delivery.

9. Healthy Feet

There is a shift in the center of gravity in the body as pregnancy progresses that changes the stance and pressure on our feet. This can lead to pain in the heel, cramping, and varicose veins due to weight gain. The yoga postures treat swelling, pain, and maintains proper health of the feet.

Experience tremendous relaxation, health, connection with the Self and baby with Prenatal yoga. Enjoy this lovely time to the core.

Author Bio: Manmohan Singh is a passionate Yogi, Yoga Teacher and a Traveller in India. He provides Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh, India. He loves writing and reading the books related to yoga, health, nature and the Himalayas.

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