Popular Causes and Symptoms of Hypertension

Blood pressure is a measurement of the intensity of blood flow in the body vessels. It is a strictly regulated marker because a dramatic drop or rise in its standard can lead to dizziness, physical discomforts, and fainting.

Hypertension, popularly called as high blood pressure, is a long-term medical ailment where the patient’s blood flow pressure is consistently high. It is a serious condition as it increases the speed of degradation of the bodily organs like heart, eyes, liver, etc. It also affects the mental state of the patient and therefore medicines of psychotropic drug manufacturers are often recommended by doctors to treat HPT.

The World Health Organization had once reported that about 18% of deaths in the Sub Saharan region itself were caused by hypertension. Considering the gravity of its consequences, it is beneficial for every individual to be aware of the symptoms of hypertension so that they get a timely diagnosis. Some of the visible symptoms that one must be receptive towards include:

Causes and Symptoms of Hypertension, Causes of Hypertension, Symptoms of Hypertension

1. Headaches

Chronic pain in the forehead area followed by pulsating aches behind the eyes is a common symptom of hypertension.

2. Nausea and/or Vomiting

Excessive passage of blood through delicate internal organs hyperventilates the body, thereby causing sensations of nausea. In extreme conditions, it may even lead to vomiting of undigested food and/or blood.

3. Disruptive Consciousness

Uneasiness during sleep, seizures, and insomnia are critical symptoms that are only observed when a patient suffers from advanced hypertension condition.

Each of the above symptoms is suggestive of primary hypertension, which is a type of high blood pressure condition caused by anxiety issues and/or unknown biological causes. It is hence advisable that they are treated with body relaxing medicines offered by psychotropic drug manufacturers. However, for all the subtypes of hypertension recognized till date, there are certain genetic and environmental causes that have been identified by medical researchers.

The most common of all the causes of high blood pressure can be numbered as follows:

1. Genetic Lineage

It has been found in many medical surveys that individuals who belonged to a family where hypertension has been a persistent medical condition in the elderly (coming down to the immediate parents of the patient), the individual’s chances of acquiring the disease are increased manifold.

2. Poor Lifestyle

Leading an inactive lifestyle and improper eating habits can lead to high blood pressure if they are continued for a longer period of time. In addition, excessive consumption of caffeine, habit forming drugs, and alcohol have also been linked with abnormal blood pressure conditions.

3. Senility

Isolated systolic hypertension is a subtype of the condition that exclusively occurs in old aged people. It is caused by the stiffening of blood vessels (arteries) and demands immediate attention.

4. Psychological Conditions

Anxiety disorder often causes the blood pressure to increase or decrease drastically depending on the patient’s mental being. Psychotropic drug manufacturers products are the sole treatment medications that are suggested to such patients. White Coat and Masked Hypertension are two of the subtypes that are peculiar to only 10% of global hypertension patients and identified as being caused by the psychological make-up of the individual.

Hypertension is a silent killer that can go unnoticed over an extended period of time since its symptoms are rarely striking. Therefore, psychotropic drug manufacturers print multiple advisories on their products that suggest consulting medical practitioners for identifying a possible case of high blood pressure rather than following self-diagnosis. Pregnant women and the elderly individuals are especially susceptible to high blood pressure. So, as a responsible individual everyone must be sensitive towards the indications of hypertension and prevent his/her loved ones from being negligent.

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