It’s safe to say that online dating is here to stay. More and more people are using online dating services to try to find someone special in their lives. Though some people still have their doubts about the internet as a potential way to find their significant other, there are numerous people who have done exactly that. And they will tell you that the internet is as good a place as any to find your special someone. If you have started or are considering starting an online dating profile on, it means that you are proactive and forward-thinking. But some online dating advice will make sure you don’t make the same mistakes so many people online make.
The Perfect Profile
The importance of creating a good profile cannot be stressed enough. This is essential if you intend on using these dating services seriously.
The length of the profile should be ideal, not too short but not too long either. A short profile doesn’t give the necessary space to present yourself. On the other hand, a profile that’s too long will seem like a waste of time to readers. The introduction is very important as it needs to compel the readers to go through the entire profile. Avoid clichés. You need to try your best and be original. Describe what makes you unique and interesting. “I like music, movies and having fun” doesn’t really say anything about you, does it?
Pictures That Tell Your Story
Many people don’t appreciate the importance of pictures in a profile. Your pictures will be the first things people will go through. Leaving the picture blank might indicate that you’re in a relationship or that you don’t consider yourself attractive enough to share a picture.
Post multiple pictures, but refrain from going over the top. Uploading 4-5 pictures is quite enough. Have a headshot, a full length shot and some other pictures of you doing some activities etc. Make sure you smile on camera. Try to post your best pictures. But make sure they are accurate. If they’re not, you will come off as a liar when you do finally meet someone. And no self shots, especially in the bathroom (and men, no shirtless selfies no matter how good your abs look). Get a friend to help you out if necessary.
Continuing Online Communication
A major mistake many people make is continuing their emails etc. for long periods without actually meeting the person in real life. Online dating site was invented to find dates, not sit around home wondering about them. Getting too attached to a person you’ve never met isn’t really the best idea. And it will increase your anxiety on the first date. Communicate 4-5 times and then if you like the person, set up a real date.
Now that you’re finally on a date, a struggle would be to find something to talk about. Many people have trouble with this as they don’t know the person very well. Where are you from and what do you do type questions don’t go very far. You’ll be better off talking about things going on around you.
These are only some basic rules to follow while trying online dating services. Most of the time, the best advice will come from your own judgment and intuition depending on the situation.