Do You Need Somebody To Help? A Sexual Offence Solicitor Is Not Just Anybody

You have been accused of a sexual offence: rape, sexual exploitation, sexual grooming, a historic sexual allegation, indecent images or child abuse. It sounds like a nightmare, doesn’t it? Or perhaps it sounds like something that only happens in films or on television. The fact is, however, allegations can be made against anybody at any time. The effects of being accused of a serious crime, such as a sexual offence, can have devastating consequences on the suspect and their loved ones, especially if they are innocent. If ever faced with these charges, it is likely that you will feel desperate and highly emotional. This is why having expert legal representation can be imperative for getting the best outcome for your case. Finding the right legal representation at the earliest possible stage – ideally before being questioned at the police station – can make a difference between whether or not the charges are made in the first place.

How do I choose a solicitor?

With many solicitors available to support criminal investigations, it can be difficult to know who to ask for help. While simply using a search engine to bring up a list of solicitors might be your preferred approach, a little further consideration could help you to find the best representation you can afford and this could yield the best results for your circumstances. Using the Law Society’s search tool for a sexual offence solicitor can be useful and checking whether or not they are members of the Law Society’s Criminal Litigation Scheme can also help you to find the best, as there are high standards they must fulfil to be members.

Another way to find a solicitor could be to check how long the firm has been practising. You will want to know that the team you employ have the experience they need to deal with complex cases such as yours may turn out to be. You should also consider asking for recommendations if you have any friends or family who have experience of such matters. The Citizens Advice Bureau also has advice on finding affordable representation if you are concerned about the cost of your representation. Remember that whilst you are being questioned at the police station and you have not been charged, you are entitled to free legal representation 24/7.

How will a solicitor help?

On being questioned at the police station, a solicitor will advise you about your responses and ensure that all procedures are carried out fairly by the police. They will also be able to start finding evidence to support your defence, which can involve interviewing expert witnesses such as psychiatrists, for example. They will also gather other evidence such as CCTV footage to build the best defence possible. If charges are brought against you, they will represent you in a magistrates’ court. They will also support barristers in the Crown Court if your case moves to this place. They will be able to answer any questions you may have and keep you informed of what is happening at every stage of the process. Having their expertise on your side can make a big difference to the outcome of your trial and how you are perceived by the general public.

So, if you are feeling in despair about an accusation that has been brought against you, don’t hesitate to find a solicitor and not just anybody: choose the right solicitor for you.

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