Best Shoe Brands for College Students

College is right around the corner and it’s time to start planning for the important thing. Like which shoes to bring. Shoes are of utmost importance in college and you want to make sure you have the right pair for every situation. Below are some of the top footwear brands for college students.

Popular shoe brands list, College shoes for girls, Best shoes for college guys, Top footwear brands for college students


All college students need a reliable running shoe for all the activities they’re going to be participating in, even if it’s just running to class. Asics are a great choice for runners and walkers alike. They provide excellent arch support and are rated very high among established athletes. So whether you’re hitting the gym or just walking around campus, you’ll be grateful you have a pair.


No college wardrobe would be complete without a pair of Bearpaw boots. Chances are there are going to be a few mornings where you roll out of bed with just a few minutes to spare before your first class. Fortunately, Bearpaws make the perfect accessory to your favorite pair of pajamas. These are also fantastic footwear options for the cold winter months. They can be thrown on at a moment’s notice and keep your feet warm and cozy for the whole day.


They say a classic shoe never goes out of style, and while you might be initially embarrassed to have the same kind of shoe your parents are wearing (and have worn for as long as you can remember), you won’t regret it. Believe it or not, Birkenstocks have actually been around since 1776 and were created by a German cobbler. Since they’ve been around for that long and their popularity hasn’t waned yet, they’re probably a safe bet for a casual yet sturdy pair of sandals.


Here’s another classic shoe, although they don’t go quite as far back as Birkenstocks, Converse has been the tried and true shoe of choice for multiple generations. They’re a great addition to your staple jeans and a t-shirt outfit, but they can also be worn with nicer attire as well.

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