Best Home Gym Equipment to Include in Your Collection

Are you one of the greater majority of people who have hectic schedules and can barely keep up with a normal gym program? If your answer is yes, then you are a perfect candidate for a home gym. Not having enough time to go to an actual gym is no excuse to lead an unfit lifestyle.

A home gym is an excellent idea to embark on for that person who refuses to compromise on their own health and fitness. But what gym equipment do you include in your collection? Well, here is a list of must-have best home gym equipment you can purchase.

1. Kettlebells

Best Home Gym Equipment

Kettlebells are convenient gym equipment that can help you get significant workout done in only a matter of times. Kettlebells can be improvised to help you do strength training on your legs, lower back, and shoulders.

In addition, you can get to complete full body exercises such as swings, clean, snatch and jerk movements. For starter, you can purchase one kettlebell for your home gym. A perk with kettlebells, they occupy a very small space and can be used to do a ton of exercises.

2. Power Cage

If you are keen on weight training, then a power cage should be your first equipment of choice. With a power rack, you can perform three main types of exercises. These include the barbell squat, the bench press and deadlift exercises.

This equipment is for the tough trainer that is not afraid to push his limits. A power rack is a superb weight training gym equipment that still guarantees your safety even without help from an actual spotter.

3. The Barbell

For starters, a smaller barbell would suffice. This as opposed to the larger barbell which requires you to have a lot of space. A small barbell weighs about 33 lbs. and measures 6 feet in length. This is a convenient size that allows you to do your exercises without limitations.

With the right size barbell, you can do the bench press, deadlifts, squats, and overhead presses. While lifting the bar you end up training and strengthening your hamstrings, shoulders, quadriceps, back, hips and arms.

4. Heavy bag

Also known as a punching bag, a heavy bag is perfect for those people who are less receptive to aerobic exercises. With a heavy bag, you can monitor your own pace and level of aggression and achieve the same results as with cardio workout. A punching bag helps to burn fat, increase speed and core power.

In addition, a punching bag helps you improve your body shape, release stress and grow defense skills. Along with a heavy bag, remember to buy wraps and some gloves for the protection of your hands.

5. Push up Stands

For those guys who want that coveted puffed up torso, a push up stand will certainly help get the job done. While you can do pushups without the help of any equipment, a push-up stand helps to make your pushups more effective.

This gym equipment aids in ensuring proper grip, better positioning of your arms, chest, core, and shoulders when doing pushups. In addition, your wrists remain protected with less chance of sustaining injury during exercise.

6. Speed Rope

It looks like a jump rope but make no mistake, this is no ordinary type of rope. From its build to its weight, it is unforgivable to have a speed rope among your collection of home gym equipment. Athletes, fighters and renowned fitness enthusiasts always go for the speed rope to conduct various exercises.

As an ordinary person looking to simply stay fit, a speed rope is an important tool in facilitating weight loss. Any person regardless of shape height or gender can find the speed rope quite useful and accommodating.

7. The Treadmill

The treadmill is no newcomer in the home gym equipment line up. Whether you want to walk or to jog, a treadmill is a complaisant piece of equipment that is built to adjust to your needs. With numerous speed settings, you can take your turn on this one of a kind piece of gym equipment while catching up on your favorite movie series or while listening to motivational podcasts.

Whether it is in your basement, a guest room turned gym or a corner in your living room, the good thing about the aforementioned gym equipment is that most of them fit perfectly in a small space. A home gym doesn’t have to be fancy and stocked to the brim with modern state of the art equipment. On condition that your exercise gear is functional, then you are certainly good to go. An additional perk is that you get to save the money you could have otherwise spent paying for a gym membership you’d only attend less than a handful of times.

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